My family

My family
My Family

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sibling Love

One of my greatest joys is experiencing the sibling love my children have for each other.  It is truly unexplainable.  Siblings have a unique bond.  One that in one minute will have them giggling together and the next screaming at each other.  

I have 3 sisters.  Yes, 4 girls - my poor parents.  I have lots of fond memories of my sisters from my childhood.  I thought I would share my favorite memories that I have with each of my sisters.
  • Toni is my oldest sister.  We are half siblings and she would stay with us during the summer.  Most of my childhood memories include her being mean to me.  I cannot recall exactly how she was mean, but I just remember she was mean.  She is quite a bit older than me so I am pretty sure my memories are skewed.  One of my earliest memories with Toni was at Ocean's of Fun water park.  And boy did we ever have fun there...  Okay so I was really little and again my memories are really fuzzy.  Come to think of it, maybe we were at Disney World.
  • Amanda is my next older sister.  We are 4 years apart and could not be more different in personalities.  I lived for Barbies and she did not.  But I do remember late nights yelling to each other through our bedroom walls.  We had great conversations until one of us would get sleepy and fall asleep.
  • Meleah is my baby sister.  I am 8 years older.  I clearly remember when my parents brought her home from the hospital.  My dream come true - a real live baby doll just for me.  I was a super proud big sister - and still am very proud of her.  One of my favorite memories is when we danced a duet to "Fame".  We should dig out the VHS and watch it, I am sure we would both be embarrassed by our stellar dancing abilities back then.  (Side note - we both teach dance for those who might not know)
 A picture of my sisters

I am so thankful that Austin and Aubrey have each other.  I look forward to them building memories together, as I did with my sisters.  They currently share a bedroom and seem to enjoy being room mates.  Austin is thrilled to "wake Aubrey up" after her naps.  (She is already awake, but he doesn't have to know that)  Each night before bed they give each other hugs and kisses - so sweet and precious.  I could go on and on about their relationship.  It is very special to them and to me.  I enjoy watching their relationship grow daily. 

I will leave you with some of my favorite sibling photos of my two bundles of joy.

This picture was the 1st time Austin actually held Aubrey by himself...Just ignore me helping him.

Sharing the Cozy Coupe.

This was one of the first times Austin showed interest in interacting with Aubrey without prompting.

Good morning sleepy heads!

Having a blast on a wagon ride

Having a picnic lunch in the car since it was too hot outside at the splash pad

Riding the train at the zoo

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